Firethorn's Den


To what extent does a weed need
to say in gesture of an apology
to an elegant iris how he happened
to burst forth to life beside her
existed being in the grand garden
meant to solely showcase her beauty?

Would it suffice if he bows to her
every morning apologizing how he
daily steals a breath of fresh air
from her, and with that whiff of
the air, he also steals her aroma
that revives his endless adoration?

When the sun brushes its heat over
the tender iris, he could stretch up
so tall to shield her. Would that be
an apology she seeks for his cause
that makes the neighbors gasp when
they see her elegant form next to him?

When it rains, he could wait until
she has her fill before he unfurls
his body to soak up what's left, praying
the skies would cry just a little longer
so he would not starve until another
rain cloud decides to come rolling by.

At last, perhaps he could just slice
open his vein and drain away his blood
and settle down at her feet to blend
in with the earth for her to absorb;
he would be living within her greatness
while she strives in his strength.


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