Firethorn's Den


The stars knew how to behave,
they simply lined up for them to count.
Between his cynical theories and
her dreamt-up metaphors, they managed
to connect a few dots to make up
a new constellation, right in the middle
of the parking lot where he had been
leaning heavily against her car,
where the public could steal their
findings, so he suggested that they
should keep this new discovery
off the record, and she agreed for
she knew all astronomers tend
to have hungry eyes (always searching
for new charts of poetic stars.)

The chance of them running into
each other like this is almost nil,
but this is where it all begins.

She awkwardly said goodbye and
started the engine, and he yelled,
"Hey, where's that smile?
Give me a smile before you go."
So worried about her impeccable
reputation, she rolled up the car
window and took off. As her eyes
efficiently unraveled the night
with the help of distant streetlights,
her lips curved into a winning smile.
She muttered, "One day, I'll spin
and spin, and leave the glittery
trails across your sheets, you'll
see then how much trouble you have
asked for." She felt... euphoric.


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