Firethorn's Den

Windows 98

She sits in front
of her PC letting only
the soft glow
from the screen monitor
bathe the dark room
while her cat is trying
to catch the tiring mouse
running around on the screen
providing a side show
to entertain her
for saving and editing
files can be dreadful
but it's a task
she must proceed,
and she goes on
copying and pasting
his heart on her sleeve
scan her memories
for his misplaced thoughts
trying to reformat
the font to fit
her purpose

   italic, or

what font face
he'd like to see
on his instant messenger
when next she sends him
her missive.
Would it be

   Verdana, or
      Parisian BT?

Even the language
is hard to decide,

civilized, or

This will have to wait
and see for it usually
depends on one's mood
but last time she
left without saying goodbye,
her instant messenger
suddenly blinked
and it read,

"Didn't even say goodbye...hmm..."

Wondering how she could
save herself,
or rather, her grace,
she selects Help
from the top tool bar
and it suggests
that she should select
Parisian BT font
while being ever so honest
so that he knows
she wasn't being
She then replies
in the most elegant font,
"Sorry, thought you left..."


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