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Top 10 Signs You've Been Playing Zelda Too Much

You can say that I've had too much time on my hands or whatever. Nevertheless I came up with my own humorous list of 10 signs you've been playing Zelda too much. Enjoy!

10 You plant a seed in a patch of dirt in your backyard, telling your family that you'll be able to ride everywhere on it in seven years.
 9You try to z-target everything you aim to grab, especially the last donut on the table.
 8You appear to be arguing with yourself in Chemistry class. When asked, you mumble that Navi wouldn't tell you the weakness of your teacher.
 7You rebel against your father's rules at every turn because you possess the triforce of courage.
 6When your father grounds you, you accuse him to be Ganondorf, overextending the triforce of power.
 5You periodically visit a masseur to get your thumbs massage.
 4When a Girl Scout knocks at your door selling cookies, you are generous enough to buy a whole lot but insist on paying with Rupees.
 3During the biology project, you periodically take a swig from your green Gatorade bottle. When asked, you mumble that you need to refill your magic power before using the lens of truth (the microscope).
 2You refuse to drink any beverage that's not red, green, or blue.
 1You say this more than once a day, "HELP! MY TV IS ON FIRE!!!"

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